Top Dermatology Treatment

Renew, Restore, Revaltize

Dermatology Clinic

At Laser Medical Center, our team of dermatologists and state-of-the-art facilities are dedicated to providing exceptional care for your skin health.

We understand that every individual’s skin is unique and requires specialized attention. Our experienced dermatologists have extensive knowledge and expertise in diagnosing and treating various dermatological conditions. 

Our clinic is equipped with advanced technology and diagnostic tools to ensure accurate assessments and effective treatment outcomes. 

 We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment, ensuring that you feel comfortable and well-informed during your visit. Our friendly staff is always ready to assist you.

At Laser Medical Center, we understand the importance of healthy hair and skin. That’s why we offer advanced treatments that use natural healing and growth factors to rejuvenate your hair and skin. Our treatments can help you look and feel your best, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Rejuvenation is now known as the key to healthy youthful skin.

Our skin is constantly abused by the sun, light from smartphones, pollution, weather changes, nutritional deficiencies, and the natural process of aging. This reduces the collagen content and leads to premature aging. To combat this we need to help our skin by giving it a boost at an earlier stage.

The approach to anti-aging is holistic. It starts with lifestyle modification, supplementation, good nutrition, and more.

During a clinical consultation at Laser Medical Center, the dermatologist will take a detailed history and advise you appropriately regarding these factors. 

In addition, you may be counseled to undergo simple procedures that will help boost collagen and strengthen your skin.

Some of the popular anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments:

Carbon Facial – PRP (platelet-rich plasma) – Micro-needling – Mesotherapy – Laser resurfacing – Microneedle Radiofrequency (MNRF) – Medi facial – Botox – Fillers -Threads


Hair loss can have a profound impact on your self-confidence. Men and women alike struggle with varying degrees of alopecia, but Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy offers a non-surgical way to reduce and reverse hair loss. PRP treatment is a three-step process that uses the platelet-rich plasma found in your blood to promote natural hair growth on the scalp. 

PRP for hair loss is a cost-effective, simple, and non-surgical treatment that can provide a substantial improvement in hair growth and thickness.


Mesotherapy is the latest technique that uses an array of injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Mesotherapy corrects underlying issues like poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage in return reduces eye bags and dark eye circles by lightening the skin. The non-surgical procedure is also used to remove cellulite and fat, for fading wrinkles and lines as well as lighten pigmented skin.

Many people who deal with uneven skin tone and texture as well as problematic patches or marks, especially from acne and aging can opt for Mesotherapy as it gives overall skin rejuvenation. It provides:

Radiance and improves skin complexion -Firmness & elasticity of the skin – Rejuvenates dull and uneven skin – Reduces fine lines and wrinkles – Reverses sagging skin

Acne Treatment

Acne (pimples) is one of the most common skin conditions. It is most commonly seen in teenagers and young adults. It can have very serious social and emotional impacts.

Our experienced medical team will assess your skin and discuss your goals and expectations for the treatment.

The treatment we offer you will depend on the grade of your condition, from mild to severe, including inflammatory acne, lesions, nodules, or cystic acne. We also treat acne scarring too. Even if you think your acne may be too painful and severe to treat, our acne specialists will refer you to our expert dermatologists or doctors, who will recommend the best treatments and skincare that works for you, your skin type, and the acne you are suffering with. They can also prescribe medication if required.

Hair Loss

Losing hair can be upsetting. For many people, their hair is an important part of who they are.

If your hair loss is causing you distress, our experts may be able to help you get some counseling.

At Laser Medical Center, dermatologists who specialize in hair loss and scalp disorders have treated many people with all types of hair loss. They often recommend medication to help prevent further hair loss and, whenever possible, to regrow hair.